Examples of use of but still
1. It hardly matters whether PAN or PRI rules with the PRD scarcely better as most in it are recycled "PRIANS" (formerly from PRI and PAN) - aka, Mexicos bipartisan criminal class with softer edges offering the people more crumbs, but still crumbs.
2. In Washington, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Wednesday the United States and Mexico are confronting tough issues but still maintain "a long, broad and deep relationship." "In any relationship that size and with such a close neighbor there are going to be tough issues you have to work through," McCormack said.
3. Mexico City, June 15, 2005 17 ºC Partly cloudy .links . INMUEBLES . VEHICULOS . EMPLEOS .MEXICO NEWS .(English/Inglés) Opinión Columnas Cartones El Mundo México Elecciones 2006 Los Estados DF Finanzas Deportes Espectáculos Cultura Estilos Clima Horóscopos Ciencia Computación Autopistas Destinos Edición impresa Ediciones anteriores Aviso Oportuno Hoy se publican 1157 Empleos 2153 Vehículos 1681 Inmuebles Publica un anuncio en el Aviso Oportuno Publicidad en El Universal online El Universal en tu palm Haz de El Universal, tu página de inicio Noticias por email GDA÷ Diarios de Latinoamérica Contáctanos Salinas free but still facing legal problems Federal authorities will reopen the probe into who killed José Francisco Ruiz Massieu.